Windows,Android apps for Engineers/ Students / Educational / Sports / Health personnel etc.
Settings Help
Media tab :- The settings refer to the media player Tab.
Autoplay :- If ticked the player will automatically play media.
Default Musiclist :- allows for the selection of the default playlist to be displayed in the program/media player
Fill PlayNow with Default MusicList :- the selected playlist will be added to the playnow list view.
Auto Hide Control Menu :- auto hides the media control menu at the bottom of the player.
On mouse click play the file :- automatically plays the selected media file via single mouse click in the system disk tree view.
On mouse double click play the file :- automatically plays the selected media file via double mouse click in the system disk treeview.
Auto add file to Playnow on click :- on mouse click of a media file in the system disk treeview the file will be added to the playnow listview.
Always on Top :- the program will always be in the fore ground i.e. on top of every other program.
File types to play :-displays all the file type extensions the player can play. Untick any file types the user doesn't want to be player via the player. The player may require extra codecs to be installed on the computer to be able to play certain types of file extensions. Free Codecs software packs can be found at ....... cccc etc .....
Burn/ Ripping Tab :- Settings refer to the burn/rip tabs.
The player uses the settings of Windows Media Player. You can change settings via Windows Media Player Burn Settings. This also applies to the CDRom Ripping section.
Web Tab :- The settings refer to a Web Page Tab.
Further settings can be made via Windows Internet Explorer property settings.
Suppress Scripting Errors :- ignores web page errors without displaying a message to the user.
Drag from searchbox :- enables the text in the search textbox to be drag onto the treeview area to create a new node.
Use the default shortcut menu :- enables the use of the default shortcut menu for the web browser instead of the Chemplayer menu.
View Tree Node on Double Click :- on double mouse click of a treeview node item, the item will be displayed in the web browser page.
Startup web page :- on a new web page the initial default page will be what is entered in the startup webpage textbox.
Page Fetching :- allows how the webpage will be accessed from the server.
Recent vist webpages :- visited pages are saved under recent visit section in the treeview. You can specify how many to be saved/displayed.
General Tab :- allows Font/Colour changes to the general program.
Settings :-
Display Layout ~ Use this to adjust the main screen layout. Clicking Horizontal will move the selection tree view and instructions box to the top of the program. Selecting Vertical moves the selection tree and instructions display to the left of the program.
Display unit Decimal places :- Simply click on the drop down list box and click on the accuracy required. Click on the Okay button to remove the module and enter the accuracy value.
Font :- the current settings will be displayed. To change the settings clcik the Font button and alter the font settings from the displayed possible listings. Click the Default Font to return to the default font sizes etc.
Display Views :- Enables the colour of the selected option to be change. Select the required option, then click the Select Colour button to display the possible colour options. The default Colour button changes the colours to the default settings.