Windows,Android apps for Engineers/ Students / Educational / Sports / Health personnel etc.
Convert a Unit :-
Method of use :-
Select a "unit conversion group" from the "Select a unit conversion group" list box.
Select a unit conversion from the "Select a unit conversion" list box. (Note the unit conversion value is displayed in the "Unit Conversion Value" label. Unit conversion griups, conversion values can be altered via the Add/Edit menu option.)
Enter a value to convert into the "Enter a value to convert" text box.
Click the "Calculate" button. The calculated result will be displayed where the "Result=" label is. (Note the calculated result is the (unit conversion value) x (enter a value to convert))
Click the checkbox "enables calculations to be preformed by division..." to enable the calculated result to use divsion rather then the defualt multiplication i.e. (enter a value to convert) / (unit conversion value)