Windows,Android apps for Engineers/ Students / Educational / Sports / Health personnel etc.
The REVERSE DIRECTION check box :- If checked , units are converted from their SI value to the unit selected.
In the example above the value 1 has been converted from it's km^2 unit to its SI unit measure of 1000000 m^2. The conversion factor used is also displayed.
mm - millimeter
km - kilometer
yd - yard
cm - centimeter
in - inch
ft - foot
m - metro
ha - hectare
kcal - kilocalorie
Btu - British thermal unit
Cal- calorie
MJ - mega joule (1,000,000 joules)
g - gram
mg - milligram
kg - kilogram
gal - gallon
KJ - kilojoule (1000 joules)
kWh - kilo watt hour
hp - horse power
lbf - pound force
W - watt
J - joule
h - hour
s - second
mN - milli newton
kgf - kilogram force
tonf - ton force
kN - kilo newton
N - newton
min - minute
psi - pounds per square inch
atm- atmosphere
dyn - dyne
l - liter
mmHg - millimeters of mercury
Plane\Time\Temp Units
Method of use :
* Enter a number in the “Enter unit value to convert” input
* Select the entered units measurement from the dropdown list box.
*Select a unit to convert to from the displayed options.
*The result will be displayed.
In the case below 1 year is convert to 1 year.