Windows,Android apps for Engineers/ Students / Educational / Sports / Health personnel etc.
Calculates/converts the compositions of compounds expressed in
W/W%, M/Vol%, VOL/VOL% fractions. Calculates mass, mol fractions,
density, volumes, percentages, concentration and finds totals.
Menu Location :- Equations >
Chemical Equations > Mol Calculations
Method of use :
Enter the number of components
contained in the compound.
Select the units to convert to
mol fractions i.e. w/w%, m/v% or v/v%.
For each component enter the
required information and click the Next Component
button. (repeat this process until all components information has
been entered)
Once all the information for
each component has been entered, the calculated results will be
displayed in the Grid.
Save button saves the information in the grid to a
text file.
Clear Grid clears the grid and values to start a new