Windows,Android apps for Engineers/ Students / Educational / Sports / Health personnel etc.
A,B,C - represent the stoic metric co-efficient's of the chemical compounds ,chem1,chem2,chem3. Each value can be entered into each input box below each letter.
Chem1,Chem2,Chem3 - represent each chemical compound name. Each value can be entered into each
input box below each chemical name.
Mole given - refers to the amount of mole of each chemical given for the reaction.
Mole required - refers to the amount of mole required for each chemical for the reaction to take place.
Mole remaining/produced - refers to the amount of mole of each chemical after the reaction has taken
Note : Conversion refers to the amount of each species which is used in the reaction. Values are percentage(%) values.
Once information entered, click calculate. Mole’s of compounds will be displayed.
The table of results displays the information, after calculation, of all the species in the reaction. A negative value in the Mole Remaining/Produced column means extra amount of the species is required.